新型コロナウィルスによって世界的にも日本でも(特に東京でも)デスクワーク職種のリモートワーク化が急に進んでいます。 日本では緊急事態宣言が終わったあとリモートワーク解除になった会社もあるようですが、そもそもWork From Anywhereがデフォルトになった会社もたくさんあります。
ブリスウェルの本業ではないが、SaaS製品の導入に関するアドバイスを求められることが文字通り激増しています。 (うちは代理店でもないので客観的な意見を言っていると思います。)
もちろんチャージの方法も、売り切り・都度課金から、サブスク・継続課金・前払いを想定した話に変わってきています。 肌感で言うと、今までオンラインサブスクでの収益に無頓着だった伝統的な企業が、より急速に頭を切り替えてチャレンジされてるように見えます。 一方で、もともとサブスク型のビジネスを運営していた企業は、やっと波が来たと言う会社もいらっしゃったり、周りも始めちゃったので更に差別化が必要なんて会社もあったりです。
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Right now, SaaS and subscription development is on the rise.
I think most of the background has been said, but I wanted to write about the perspective of the system development side of things I think.
(1) Impact of the new coronavirus on the way we work The new coronavirus has led to a worldwide increase in the number of people with remote, desk-bound jobs, both in Japan (and especially in Tokyo) and around the world. The shift to remote work is progressing rapidly. In Japan, there are companies that have lifted the restrictions on remote work after the declaration of the state of emergency. There are many companies that defaulted on Work From Anywhere in the first place.
To put it in plain English, the impact on the stock market has been tremendous, directly into the corona of medical and pharmaceutical drug discovery, etc. Along with related industries, you can group them together as remote stocks, online stocks, and SaaS stocks. The stock prices of software companies like
For example, Zoom and Docusign seem to be mentioned almost every day. I feel like I'm a good candidate.
(2) Impact on the business model. Although it's not Briswell's core business, I've been asked to advise on the implementation of SaaS products It's literally increased dramatically. (We're not an agency, so I think I'm being objective.)
With that, our B2B software contract development business (software development business for clients The nature of the inquiries we have received from clients (for example) has changed quite significantly.
For example, we've seen SaaS projects that have been stalled for years within our clients start to take off, and we've seen offline to start an online consulting and knowledge-sharing service by folding the traditional consulting services of And so on.
And, of course, the method of charging, from selling out and charging at a time, to assuming subscriptions, ongoing charges, and payment in advance. The story is changing. In a skin-deep sense, traditional companies that have been indifferent to online subs revenue are now more rapidly It looks like they're changing their minds and taking on the challenge. On the other hand, some companies that originally operated a subscribed business say they're finally seeing a wave of There are some companies that need to differentiate themselves further from others because they have started to do so too.
3) Impact on software development I feel like this is an opportunity to finally go from old-school maintenance and upkeep to literal DevOps.
The big difference between old-school maintenance and today's DevOps is that, to put it crudely, "We're going to continuously improve our service I think it's in the "assumption that we will figure it out".
The systems and services that Briswell develops have been quite maintenance oriented for several years now, but I think we are starting to receive more detailed requests for this area from our clients.
The understanding and demands for application architecture are becoming more and more detailed, and I think the trend toward microservices and loosely coupled systems is accelerating.
However, in recent months, we've seen a lot of clients go one step further and come to a common understanding in advance when they start to think about their business.
I've already gone on quite long before I get to the main topic, so I'll leave the technical details for the next time. .
In addition, I tried to write this blog entirely in voice input, but it contains quite a lot of spoken words. So I'm hoping that technology will fix this area to a literary tone as well.
To see the development of subscription in the Corona era, go to https://www.briswell.com/news/remote-online/
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